Friday 31 March 2023

MATCH RESULT: Applecross SHS 14.8 (92) defeated Willetton SHS 8.7 (55), 23 June 1983.

Willetton SHS versus Applecross SHS

Thursday, June 23rd, 1983

Craig Wright had been dropped from our previous winning team, due to injury, to be replaced by Blackie and Spencer Underwood. Phil Holman, another one of our dying species, the West Perth supporter, was also put into the team, making the reserves list rather lengthy.

We arrived at Willetton very confident, although this dimmed by the size of the opposition; their full forward was over six foot, and, worse of all, he had weight to match.

As expected, Danny, Scott, Blackie [David Black] and I were named reserves, although surprisingly I was given the privilege of being placed 19th.

Danny was allowed the ultimate privilege, however, when Mr Kirby named the Love Thy Neighbour fan boundary umpire. I took on my traditional role of goal umpire at the far end, where the ground dipped just past the goals and was replaced by uncleared bush and scrubs. Blackie and Scott stayed near Mr Kirby and predictably were put on ahead of Danny and myself.

During the first half, however, Willetton’s superior teamwork enabled them to take an early ascendency and they proved too much for our players. In typical style, Hellmo, Ramsay and all the well-renowned players, were refusing to pass and continually trying to be too classy and selfish. Although this worked against the lesser opposition of All Saints, it was always coming unstuck against Willetton.

As every goal was kicked, I was faced with the problem of having to quickly signal and then run behind to locate the ball in the paddock of trees and scrub, while everyone waited impatiently. Luckily, I found it quickly on all occasions.

At half-time, Willetton led 6.5 to our 5.1, and the players were met with a verbal dressing down by our redheaded coach, Mr Kirby, one that they thoroughly deserved. Mr Kirby stressed the importance of teamwork and unselfish play.

During the third-term, we fought back courageously. Each player used more teamwork and we did well to gain a slight lead at the interval.

Danny and I were worried at the three-quarter time break, thinking we might not even get to play. I was more lucky than Danny, however, and Mr Kirby changed me with Doug on the wing. I didn’t do much in the last quarter, but play generally was straight through the centre. At last, we released our true spirit and increased our lead to win comfortably, 14.8 to 8.7. Willetton scored only two goals after half-time, the same fate which befell All Saints a week earlier.

It was a great feeling on the way home, with Applecross defeating Willetton so comfortably in the brilliant last-half recovery. It meant we would play Gosnells on the following Monday, to see which school would become champions of the East Fremantle district.

To celebrate our great victory, Mr Kirby let Ramma stop at Southlands Deli, to buy some bottles of Coke for us. Wayne and Blackie went off with him and soon the Cokes were back and shared around triumphantly. Roy, the Spoon, had more than his fair share of guzzles.

It was just my luck that as we were going over the speed bump, I was the one drinking. It went all over me and up my nose. Everyone laughed and I didn’t mind as it was just good to have that winning feeling.

The ride home was brilliant, the great winning feeling upon us. Wayne, Scott, Blackie and myself got off along Riseley Street. Scott and Wayne went off, while Blackie and I walked towards Garden City. We talked about the great game and the contrasts between that and our weekly massacres with Applecross Juniors.

At Garden City, we each went our separate ways. I walked home along Davenport Road, in the fading light, thinking about our brilliant victory, while Blackie took the bus back to Applecross, obviously thinking the same thoughts.


Thursday, 23 June 1983

Played at:



Applecross SHS




Willetton SHS








Other results: Gosnells defeated Cecil Andrews.

Friday 24 March 2023

MATCH RESULT: Applecross SHS 20.8 (128) defeated All Saints College 4.5 (29), 15 June 1983.

 CIG Shield Summary

Applecross Senior High School 1983 campaign 


The inaugural CIG Shield competition was available for all secondary schools, government or private, in the metropolitan area. Finals were played between schools in each club zone, before the club zone winners played each other in quarter and semi-finals to see which two schools would play against each other in the grand final at Subiaco Oval before the WA versus Victoria match on Tuesday, July 12th.

Applecross SHS CIG Shield Team: Year 10s: Neil Whyte (captain), Darryl Helmrich, Jason Ramsay, Scott Herring, Wayne Brand, David Black, Greg Pigeon, Craig Wright, Brad Gardiner, Phil Holman, Andrew Byrne, Kieran James, Spencer Underwood, Doug Stirling, Danny Pavlovich, Roy George, Adam Taylor, Mike Broadbridge, Scott Annandale.

Year 9s: Trevor Wachmer, Steve Pera.

Year 8s: Darren Annandale, Cian Evans, Greg Burton, Brian Ullinger.

Coach: Mr Kirby. 

All Saints College versus Applecross SHS

Wednesday, June 15th, 1983

Our first elimination match in the CIG Shield was against All Saints College, an away match on Wednesday, June 15th, 1983.

After school, on Wednesday, the team gathered in the small school bus and our Phys. Ed. teacher and football coach, Mr Kirby, drove us off to battle. Everyone was extremely confident, knowing an annihilation of the small college was almost a certainty.

As it proved, the game could be called a case of “we came, we saw and we conquered” as Applecross romped away with an easy victory.

The All Saints’ oval was small and badly grassed; fields of various sports overlapping each other for space. Scott, Danny, several Year 8s and myself were elected reserves as our side, proudly dressed in green, white and red, took the field to smash the All Saint double blues, in their unprofessional long-sleeved jerseys without numbers. Scott and I were elected joint goal umps and we took our spots, yelling our comments to our iron strong defence.

Ironically, All Saints’ scattered combination kicked the first goal, but by half time we had began our assault and led six goals to three. At half-time, we went on, I being swapped with Adam on the wing.

It was in the second-half that the massacre began, in earnest. Mike Broadbridge and Steve Pera kicked many easy goals in the forward line, while our centreline and following division took total control of the game.

I got several kicks and two marks on the wing, as we tore up the ground and was very happy with my performance. All Saints completely gave up, their bigger players fuming in agitation. As the final siren sounded, we had won by the easiest of margins, defeating All Saints 20.8 to a meager 4.5. We kicked fourteen goals to two in the last half.

It was a satisfying game and the journey home was happy, although everyone realized that beating All Saints was not that great an achievement [by Kieran James].

Wednesday, 15 June 1983

Played at:

All Saints


Applecross SHS




All Saints








Other results: Cecil Andrews defeated Armadale, Gosnells defeated Thornlie, Willetton defeated Lynwood.

MATCH RESULT: Gosnells SHS 8.5 (53) defeated Applecross SHS 4.12 (36), 27 June 1983.

Gosnells SHS versus Applecross SHS Monday, June 27th, 1983 I had to recover from my weekend sickness, so I couldn’t play in the vital, d...